Leo Salemanns's HCDE 598 Digital Fabrication Page!

Why do I want to learn about digital fabrication?

When I was in elementary school, I was kinda good at writing funny stories, but didn't like doing it because we had to write by hand and sometimes (ugh!) manually copy our draft to make a final version. Maybe if I had a word processor in those days I could have become an author. The difficulty of editing and tedium of making letters look good was a barrier to entry for me. I'm attracted to digital fabrication for the same reason -- a means of creating and changing things quickly in "virtual space", then automaticaly realizing them in "physical space."

What do I hope to learn in class?

Some basic know-how for a suite of digital fabrication tools such as 3d printers, CNC routers, laser cuters, etc. Also the human side of the maker movement - the social, cultural, economic factors that brought it on and kept it going.

What do I want to teach my peers?

Probably the best topic I can contribute is GitKraken - a graphical front-end for git.

Other potential topics include ...

My Assignments!

Assignment 0: Nameboard!

Assignment 0 Was a Dornier Do X laser-etched into plywood!

Assignment 1: Laser-Cut Construction Kit!

Assignment 1 was a Laser-Cut Wing with a genuine NACA 2415 Airfoil!

Assignment 2: Parameric Rhino Wing!

Assignment 2 was another wing, but this time with Rhino!

Assignment 3: Lamp!

Assignment 3 was a Lamp!

Assignment 4: Mechanism!

Assignment 4 was a fowler flap!

Assignment 5: Milling!

Assignment 5 was a milled mini wing!

Assignment 6: Molding and Casting!

Assignment 6 was an aircraft canopy!

Assignment 7: Final Project Pitch!

Assignment 7 was my project pitch!

Assignment 8: Final Project

Final Project was a Model Piper Tomahawk!